Claire de Jong

Claire de Jong

🚀  Product Manager
🎯  Project Manager
🛠️  Process Enhancement Advocate
👩‍💻  Former Web Developer
🇦🇺  Australian
⛵  Sailor (2000+ nm)
🐶  Proud Fur Parent
🧒  Certified Human Raiser

Kindness is the ability and desire to have a positive impact on others.


I love sailing and the ocean almost as much as I love creating an impact through product development and project management. I not only bring expertise to the table, but also a contagious enthusiasm for teamwork and a drive to deliver exceptional results.

My career has spanned different industries, and for the past decade, my focus has been on delivering top-notch products using effective project management methodologies. I place an emphasis on team alignment towards a common goal, placing a premium on solving problems as a group, and continually honing processes for maximum efficiency.

I believe the magic in successful product and project execution lies in effective processes that support positive collaboration between designers, product managers, and engineers. By cutting out the stuff that doesn't need doing and making things run smoother, we free up teams to really sink their teeth into the stuff that matters.

My biggest wins come from driving company goals forward and boosting team morale along the way. I achieve this by working closely with team members so I understand their needs and empower them to do their best work, and also by breaking down the big picture and turning complex goals into bite-sized, actionable steps that keep the team fired up.

But here's the thing: it's not just about the technical stuff. It's about how we treat each other along the way.

I've found that the most memorable achievements happen when we're kind to one another, when we take the time to celebrate our successes together, and when we tackle problems as a team. At the end of the day, you're remembered for how you made others feel, not just for the work you did. And creating an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to do their best work is what it's all about.

If you’re curious to see what I have worked on, check out my past projects. If you are interested in what motivates me to continue pursuing a career rather than sailing full-time, check out my blog (coming soon). If you’re feeling studious and want to see how I continue to expand my skillset, check out my bookshelf.

If you would like to drop me a line, feel free to reach out via email or LinkedIn.